Section 1 Aim of the Prize
Ciavedal group, together with Cordenons Municipal District, Ente Friuli nel Mondo, Friuli Philological Society and the University of Udine, with the aim to remember and further appreciate the figure and the work of Renato Appi (1923 – 1991), an outstanding expert of friulan culture, announce the 9th edition of the Prize to him dedicated. Attendance is free. Everyone can take part of it.
Section 2 9th edition of the Prize
After some editions dedicated to poetry, literature and theater, it is now the turn of cinema, another of artistic expressions with which Renato Appi manifested his intellectual and cultural production. In particulary, he focused his cinematographic works on the life and on the traditions of the territory and the Friulian communities.
The subject of the ninth edition of the prize is: “Images and sounds from the rural world”.
The works must cover aspects and expressions of culture and rural life (traditional and contemporary) of Friuli Venezia Giulia and of the other Italian Regions.
To the competition are allowed short films, documentaries, surveys, animated film, lasting up to 20 minutes (opening titles and closing credits included), that tell, pursue and promote the knowledge of the following topics:
– the farmer human values: hard work, sacrifice, solidarity, sharing, friendship, respect, honesty, patience (the waiting value), religion, etc.;
– work in the fields and in the barn;
– breeding and sheep farming, in general, the human-animal relationship;
– the knowledge and craft practices related to agriculture;
– traditions and rituals: the cycle of the year (Christmas and New Year, Epiphany, Carnival, Holy Week and Easter, etc.) and the cycle of life (pregnancy, childbirth, baptism, childhood, initiation, rites of conscription, engagement and wedding, death);
– parties and popular festivals;
– the peasant family: the structure (extended family, extended, nuclear), the division of labor (male, female; work and different ages), the transformations;
– architecture “spontaneous” traditional: the house, the barn, the outbuildings, the courtyard;
– the places of socialization: in the barn, the fountain and the wash-house, the square, the inn;
– traditional food: family (roles, foods, recipes, food plants and herbs, feeding weekday and festive; ritual foods); in public places (“frasche” and inns), the “food gift” inalms (Christmas, Carnival, conscripts);
– popular religiosity (religious celebrations, shrines and pilgrimages, propitiatory and apotropaic rites, processions, rogation, etc.), popular devotion (Saints of the rural world: the relationship with the calendar – San John the Baptist, St. Martin, etc. and the relationship with health – San Rocco and Sebastian, Saint Lucy, etc.), images, prayers, legends, places of worship;
– traditional medicine: common therapeutic knowledge (“household medicine”); traditional therapists and their specializations, the knowledge of the active ingredients in the natural world (plants, minerals, animals), learning and transmission of knowledge, beliefs and practices relating to the evil eye, witchcraft: figures, incantations, rituals, beliefs, the relationship between religion and health/disease;
– languages and dialects;
– the oral tradition texts: proverbs, fables, legends, anecdotes, satirical slogans, etc .;
– music and singing of oral tradition, relationship between oral tradition and cultured traditions;
– the popular art (painting, sculpture), the country’s photographers;
– the natural environment (magredi, springs, parks, woods, forests, grasslands, etc.);
– the contemporary “return to earth”, the “new farmers”;
– agriculture 4.0, the new frontiers of agriculture and new agricultural techniques;
– the “countryside in the city”: social or solidal vegetable gardens.
Section 3 Works accepted and formats
Professional and amateur works in any language and/or dialect are allowed.
The films in languages other than Italian and dialect should be provided with subtitles in Italian.
It doesn’t need that the works are unpublished. Hovewer, the Committee reserves the possibility to exclude from the competition works which after the closing date of registration are found already availabe online on free or pay-per-view platforms (will be except for any promotional materials related to them, such as trailer or teaser).
The works must be submitted in digital format with minimum 720p resolution (preferably with full HD resolution, 1080 x 1920 pixels).
DVD video and blu-ray will be not accepted. Will be accepted only DVD data or USB sticks containing audio-files with .mov and .mp4 extension.
Exclusively for the special prize assigned by the Municipal Distric of Cordenons will be accepted works in slide show (or multi-vision) format which must be in a single audio-video file full HD with .mov and .mp4 extension, only with data DVD or USB stick.
Section 4 – Prize partecipation and enrollment
May take part to the competition single person, groups, school classes, associations, non-profit organization. Every partecipant (individual or groups) can propose two works at most.
Registration to the Prize is made by sending or directly consign an envelope containing at the top the words “Renato Appi Film Award”). This envelope must contain :
- A) another envelope containing:
– The application form duly completed in all parts specifing postal address, e-mail and telephone of the applicant and duly signed by the Author (for groups is required the signature of the person responsible);
– A written declaration signed by the Author (for groups the signature of the person responsible is required) attesting the ownership of all rights of the film material and its utilization, ensuring that the contents of movie does not violate the laws and lift up the Executive Coordinators of “Renato Appi Film Award” of any responsibility for the contents of the same;
– In case of film whose the Author is a minor, the signature of a parent is also required.
- B) a padded envelope containing:
– Digital media (USB stick or DVD) which contains the movie/movies in digital format.
The registration form and the rules of partecipation can be downloaded from these websites:
Section 5 Deadline for submission
Works and all documents related to them can be sent by mail in a closed envelope no later than September 15th, 2017 to:
Gruppo Cordenonese del Ciavedal
Centro Culturale “Aldo Moro”
Via Traversagna, 4
33084 Cordenons (PN) Italy
Works can be directly consigned to Ciavedal group during the opening hours of the its offices (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 o’clock until 12 o’clock). Alternatively, works can be sent by registered post (in this case the deadline for submission not will be the date of postmark).
Works will not be returned and will be inserted in archive.
The filling of the enrolment form mean the clean acceptance of the Prize rules and the unappealable decisions of the Commitee.
Ciavedal group isn’t liable for damage, theft or loss of the works before and after the delivery.
If the works come from extra EU countries, please specify on the parcel “Withour commercial value, only for cultural purpose”. This is mandatory for customs purposes.
Section 6 Commitee and rewards
All the works will be considered by a Commitee whose chairman is the President of Ciavedal Group or an his representative. This Committee will be costituded by experts of film industry as the respresentative of the Associations collaborating to the organization of the award plus a member of Appi family.
Commitee judgement is unquestionable.
The Commitee may award the following prizes:
- € 1.000,00 to the best film for technical and artistic merits.
- € 1.000,00 to the film that best represents friulian culture and traditions
- € 500,00 special prize for high schools students (or class)
- € 500,00 special prize for junior high schools students (or class)
- € 1.000,00 special prize assigned by the Municipal Distric of Cordenons for films or slide-show that best promotes Cordenons and his local Community.
Prizes are intended inclusive of incidental taxes. Commitee could indicate other worthwhile works. Commitee could also share the prizes among works deserving the same recognition.
Moreover, all works can participate to the assignment of special prizes offered by Associations, Foundations or Institutions chaired by independent juries from the official Committee.These prizes can be assigned to the same winning works of the official awards.
Ciavedal group and Municipal Distric of Cordenons can publish works awarded or that partecipated to the Prize. Authors accept that Executive Coordinators can freely project film (or extracts thereof) in events, in television programs or in the Net only for educational and cultural non commercial purposes but only to promote friulian culture and territory (the Author will always be mentioned).
Section 7 Award ceremony
The ufficial award ceremony will be in Cordenons on December 1, 2017.
The prize-winners and the possibile partecipants distinguished will be opportunely informed.
Prizes must be personally collected by the winners except in case of third party delegation and upon notice of impediment.
During the ceremony, all the awarded films will be screened, as well as any other movies that present peculiar characteristics of originality and expressive quality.
Cordenons December 5th, 2016